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What is Chiropractic? - A Complete Guide For You

May 11, 2023

What is Chiropractic? To understand what Chiropractic truly is, we need to look back at the original teachings of Chiropractic

What is Chiropractic? - A Complete Guide For You

Chiropractic in Greek means “to do by hand.” 

The goal of chiropractic is to remove the body from the state of dis-ease (this is different to disease, just think the body should work with “ease” and this is not being experienced), through the adjustment and stimulation of the nervous system by hand. To be in pain, or to suffer an illness, is an unnatural state of being and through chiropractic treatment, one may improve their general wellbeing. In most cases, chiropractic allows you to surpass your expectation of wellness. 

Chiropractic has been quite popular since its initial development in 1885; its history traces back to ancient practices within Egyptian and Chinese societies to promote healing and wellness. Its contribution is immemorial.  However, in an age of overdiagnosis and symptom minimisation, more people in our community have been turning to chiropractic than ever. In the case of our practice and many of my colleagues, I have seen more and more individuals walk through my door seeking change in their day-to-day lives. Whether it be a desire for pain relief, the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle free from medication, or a total lifestyle change, it is clear that there is a genuine desire for care. Chiropractic care focuses on the body’s innate ability to heal and improve through the adjustment and movement of the nervous system. This - in turn - reduces the stress on those nerves and allows for their proper functioning.

This theory leads to an idea of complete bodily autonomy; Your body can, and with assistance, it will. What an empowering thought. Chiropractic aims to serve every individual who lies down on the table. It is a genuine care and investment in the individual's well-being and livelihood, and it’s our honour and privilege as
Chiropractors in Malvern, to serve you. 

What does my Nervous System have to do with it?

In simple terms, your spine consists of an outer layer - referred to as the vertebral column, and the inner layer - your spinal cord - which connects your brain to the rest of your body. Subluxations refer to areas of your spine where your vertebral column is twisted, bending, or straightening in an unnatural way that applies stress to your spinal cord, affecting its functioning. This can lead to pain, numbness, tingling, muscle stiffness, poor sleep and a slew of other negative symptoms. The goal of chiropractic is to correct these subluxations and allow your body to reach a natural equilibrium again. Your chiropractor may also adjust or release other areas of your body that are causing pain or are misaligned, such as the jaw or the hips, in order to remove pain and put you on the right path to wellness.

The Adjustment Technique : The cornerstone of chiropractic treatment.

This aspect of treatment can come in a variety of forms, such as the Direct Thrust Technique (some may call this Spinal Manipulation), Spinal Mobilization, the use of an Activator, and other techniques to return your spine and joints to a healthy, natural position. Your doctor may utilise other tools prior to treatment such as heat packs or wedges to prepare you for your adjustment. Adjustments also come in a variety of forms depending on the client! For example, a more forceful adjustment may be suitable for a fit and healthy adult, however, more gentle treatment may be required for clients in their later years or those with injuries. Because of this, your chiropractor should be familiar with your health history and any chronic pain or discomfort. Additionally, they may wish to see x-rays in the event of significant injuries. Each person who walks through the door is unique, and so is their treatment.

Many of our patients who are with us short-term, describe the relief they feel after their adjustments; a newfound weightlessness. Our more long-term patients, some of whom have been attending our clinic for over 10 years, mention other positive benefits of long-term care.. Through your adjustment, we improve the ability of your Nervous System to communicate with other parts of your body. Therefore it is important to note that the adjustment isn’t just putting something back into place and removing pain, it is relieving the disruption in your nervous system that is keeping your body from healing. While this is pretty incredible, your Chiropractor may also recommend specific diet changes, exercise and training, and emotional support in times of stress. We believe in a holistic approach to well-being, therefore, we examine your presenting problem through a variety of lenses.

Common Questions for Australian Chiropractors:

  1.  Are chiropractors safe?

    Yes. Chiropractic treatment is evidence-based and possible negative impacts of the treatment have been thoroughly researched over the last twenty years. Research has concluded that Chiropractic is significantly safer than the continual use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (such as ibuprofen or aspirin)(Dabbs & Lauretti, 1005), for which, regular users are estimated at over 30 Million daily (Rubinstein, 2008). It's considered to be especially safe for individuals who experience neck or lower back pain (Rubinstein, 2008).

  2. Is chiropractic covered by Medicare Australia? 

    Yes; Medicare Australia provides a rebate for five chiropractic appointments per year. Please speak to your practitioner regarding how to access these appointments.

  3. When to see a chiropractor? 

    You should always see a chiropractor! While it is especially important to see a chiropractor when you are in pain, chiropractic can be extremely helpful when you’re healthy. For example, Chiropractic is very popular amongst athletes! The goal of chiropractic is to meet you at your state of wellness and help you improve. A client experiencing chronic back pain who wishes to be able to lift their children again, or a client preparing for a marathon but is having recovery and stamina issues, can both benefit from chiropractic!

  4. Can Chiropractic fix posture, uneven shoulders, back pain, bulging discs, and sciatica?

     Yes. Correcting posture concerns and uneven shoulders are a primary focus for chiropractic treatment as they are clear signs of subluxations and misalignment. Bulging discs and sciatica may require more long-term treatment as these conditions can often be chronic or cause significant pain for the individual, but chiropractic has been proven to reduce discomfort and pain for these individuals (Cox & Shreiner, 1984).

  5. Are chiropractic adjustments safe during pregnancy?

     Yes, in the vast majority of cases! If the individual in question has been experiencing abnormal symptoms during pregnancy, chiropractic may not be suitable. In these cases, a longer discussion may be required with your Chiropractor and your GP. However, in most cases, Chiropractic can be incredibly beneficial to the pregnant individual and the baby! Most chiropractors are trained to work with women during their pregnancies, and there are chiropractors who specialise in prenatal care. Chiropractic care can reduce the severity of back and joint pain in pregnant woman, and can be a helpful tool when pursuing natural births (George et al. 2013). Regular chiropractic treatments can ensure an optimal alignment of the pelvis and minimise any spinal curvature or subluxation caused by the additional weight on the front of the body. This allows for a safer labour and ensures the baby has enough space to shift appropriately during labour, minimising the risk of a breech birth or further complications. 

  6. Why would a child need a chiropractor? 

    There are many reasons why a child may require chiropractic care! Kids of all ages experience rapid growth and development within their bodies that may have negative side-effects on their physical wellbeing. These side-effects include: joint pain, poor posture, difficulty sleeping, emotional dysregulation, and poor balance - to name a few! Additionally, our kids may experience sports or exercise related injuries which may have long term effects on their physical health. Finally, in an age driven by technology, we are seeing a significant increase in poor posture and back pain amongst our young kids. Chiropractic aims to solve these problems. As parents, you can rest assured that pediatric chiropractic care is gentle and considers the developmental stage of your child, and has shown that less than 1% of pediatric chiropractic patients experience even mild side-effects, such as tenderness (Doyle, 2011). 

  7. How do I know my Chiropractor is qualified?

    Australian Chiropractors must complete five years of study, including Masters of Clinical Chiropractic to be registered practitioners in Australia. If you have doubts about your practitioners qualifications, or an individual providing ‘Chiropractic care’ without these credentials, do not feel uncomfortable ceasing your communication and treatment with them. Australian Chiropractors Association have great resources with which to confirm your practitioners credentials. 

In summary, Chiropractic is becoming a more popular option for healthcare within Australian society! It is significantly safer for children, adults, the elderly, and pregnant women, than existing NSAIDs and surgeries. It has also proven to lessen pain and discomfort levels amongst all of these groups while being very low-risk. 

Finally, Chiropractic treatment is covered on most Health Insurance plans and those suffering from chronic pain Chiropractic is subsidised by Medicare within a health care plan, and is accessible throughout most communities in Australia. Why wouldn’t you incorporate Chiropractic into your well-being routine?

Reference List: 

Cox J. M., Shreiner S. (1984). Chiropractic manipulation in low back pain and sciatica: statistical data on the diagnosis, treatment and response of 576 consecutive cases. J Manipulative Physiol Therapy, 7(1) 1-11.

Dabbs,V., & Lauretti,W.J. (1995). A Risk Assessment of Cervical Manipulation vs NSAIDs for the Treatment of Neck Pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 18(8), 530-536.

Doyle, Matthew. (2011). Is chiropractic paediatric care safe? A best evidence topic. Clinical Chiropractic. 14. 97-105. 10.1016/j.clch.2011.06.004. 

George, J. W., Skaggs, C. D., Thompson, P. A., Nelson, D. M., Gavard, J. A., & Gross, G. A. (2013). A randomized controlled trial comparing a multimodal intervention and standard obstetrics care for low back and pelvic pain in pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 208(4), 295.e1-295.e7.

Rubinstein, S. M. (2008). Adverse Events Following Chiropractic Care for Subjects with New or Low-Back Pain: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Risks? Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 31(6). 461-464.

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