Dear Patient
Although chiropractic practices are permitted to remain open this is not business as usual. Stage 4 restrictions are aligned to Victoria’s current State of Disaster and are focused on saving and protecting the lives of all Victorians through restricting non-essential movement across the state for the next six weeks.
Chiropractors are considered ‘essential services’ and will play an important role in helping Victorians manage their health during this difficult time.
Key Points that have been determined in the past 12 hours
You do not need a medical referral to come for your chiropractic appointment
Stage 4 is designed to limit movement, restricting non essential movement to allow the state to control the spread of COVID-19.
Because of this, During stage 4 restrictions care must only be provided if the absence of, or delay of this care, would result in a significant change or deterioration in the patients functional independence necessitating escalation of care.
Examples provided by DHHS of when care is deem appropriate include the following:
For this reason, essential care will be given for the next 6 weeks and care also given where not receiving care is likely to lead to a significant deterioration in the health and wellbeing of any patient
You will find attached a document regarding your position of what you believe will happen with your health and wellbeing over the period 05/08/20 – 13/09/20.
We ask that you please read this as you will be asked to sign this prior to your appointment.
Furthermore, if we believe you are not in a position to receive treatment we will ask you to return home.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call the clinic and speak to a practitioner prior to your appointment.
Warm Regards